The best legacy we can leave to future generations is education. With this in mind, the Universidad Central del Caribe (UCC) has embarked on various initiatives whose objectives are to nurture and sustain the institution.
The UCC Endowment Fund
Permanent in character, its return destined to give support to those university projects which without your help would be difficult if not impossible to realize. By making your donation to this fund, you are actively contributing to relieving the institution’s needs and those of future health professionals. When you contribute to the Endowment Fund, you assist in our priorities, which are:
• Award scholarships to students
• Strengthen the technological infrastructure
• Improve the institution’s physical facilities
• Lend support to scientific research
Direct Scholarship Fund
To counteract the existing situation that financial aid for medical students in Puerto Rico is insufficient, the UCC and its Board of Directors have launched various initiatives. As opposed to the Scholarship Fund, wherein only the yields are utilized, the Scholarship Funds raised are granted in their entirety at the commencement of each academic year.
You are invited to learn about how you can help us achieve our goals
• Annual Campaign – Help us make a difference every day, every year….no matter the amount, your help is most valuable to us.
Donation Options:____$50 ____$100 ____$200 ____$ other
• Capital Campaign – The Capital Campaign grew out of our determination to offer our students and faculty better and improved facilities. Its fundraising objective will serve to remodel the institution’s central square and the construction of new rooms for student use and faculty meetings.
Donation Options:
___$1,000 ___$3,000 ___$4,000 ___$5,000 ___$7,000 ____$10,000
• Legacy Society – Consisting of a four-year commitment to awarding student scholarships. As a member, you will have the following benefits:
o 20 Continuing Education module credits (donation of $1,000 or more)
o Participation in the Graduation Ceremony
o Library Access and email account through the UCC web
o Press releases and articles in the media, newspaper and professional magazines
o Invitation to the White Coat Ceremony
o Invitation to participate in the Investiture CeremonyDonation Options:
___$500 annually for 4 years
___$1,000 annually for 4 years
___$3,000 annually for 4 years
___$5,000 annually for 4 years• Direct Scholarships – The UCC’s direct scholarship fund is awarded in the following academic programs: Medical Images, Substance Abuse and the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences.
• Emergency Fund – The UCC Deanship of Students has identified the need to assist students with limited resources that do not have the financial means to cover essential expenses related to their academic work. For these purposes, an emergency fund was created, receiving donations from employees, faculty and graduates. Donation Options: ____$20 ____$40 ___$50 ___$100
How to Make a Gift
On behalf of all of us who work at the UCC, we greatly appreciate and are most grateful for your donation. With your contribution we advance our institutional agenda benefiting future generations. For your convenience, you can make your donation by phone, online utilizing Pay Pal, or by mailing your check payable to:
Universidad Central del Caribe
PO Box 60327
Bayamón, PR 00960-6032Call us and we can help you through the process at:
(787) 798-3001, extensions 2315, 2316 y 2317