The Department of Surgery provides a wide variety of educational programs and clinical services that encompasses graduate medical education programs and the surgical management of patients. The department offers inpatient, outpatient and hospitalized management to patients with surgical conditions by board certified physicians and residents under their supervision in the specialties of general surgery, urology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, plastic surgery, vascular surgery, cardio thoracic surgery, neurosurgery and head and neck surgery. The surgery program holds Residency Programs accredited by the American Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) in all the above specialties. Third year medical students at the UCCSOM, participate in a nine week clinical clerkship where they prepare for the real word in a clinical setting, doing rotations at three main hospitals working with board certified attending physicians and resident physicians.

The surgical clerkship introduces the student to the complex and unique world of the specialty of General Surgery and its subspecialties. General surgical principles, the evaluation, the initial analysis and management concepts of the patient are explored. The course is designed to familiarize medical students with the clinical presentation (history and physical examination), diagnostic process and management of medical-surgical problems. Clerks will go through the process of learning the theoretical aspects of surgery and their practical applications in the rapidly evolving field of medicine. The course will aid in the development of the behavioral, professional, and ethical traits expected of a complete, culturally aware and competent physician. Students will have scheduled conferences by selected general and subspecialty surgeons. They will get primary insight into the field of surgery and basic knowledge of the most common conditions encountered. These conditions in primary patients will be supplemented by audiovisual virtual patients, computer assisted teaching, suture techniques laboratory session, clinical skills laboratory session, clinical simulations laboratory session, clinical case exposures, intra-operative case assistance and participation, and objective student clinical evaluations (OSCE) with 100% feedback.

Clerks will have rotations through the clinics, operating rooms, intensive care, wards peer review sessions (mortality and morbidity rounds) emergency rooms, and actual doctor private and public practices in which they will be involved with the diagnostic and therapeutic process at every level (initial evaluations, consultations, pre-op, intra-op, and post-op care of the patient). The clerks will meet with the course coordinator and assigned proctors for continuous feedback on the progress of the clerkship, formative and summative evaluations, case analysis, case/patient presentations, log reviews (diagnostic and operative) and on-call log case exposure reviews. The course will provide basic surgical knowledge useful for all future clinical practices and preparation for the NBME, USMLE II/III and the CPX surgical components.


Surgery Department Faculty

Name Position Office/Telephone
Dr. Carlos Ramírez Tánchez

General Surgery

Coordinator Surgery

Chairman UCCSoM
Department of Surgery

Dr. Pedro J. Tort Saadé


Associate Professor 787-773-0023(0024)


Dr. Ricardo Rosario Mendoza

General Surgery & Vascular

Chief Surgery HURRA

Assistant Professor

787-787-5005 x2325
Dr. Luis A. Aponte López

General Surgery & Vascular

Assistant Profesor,

Attending HIMA

Dr. Carlos Ramírez Tánchez

General Surgery

Assistant Professor

Attending VAH

Dr. Ramón Sotomayor

General Surgery

Assistant Professor, Attending HIMA 787-399-6782
Dr. Andrés Guerrero

General Surgery

Assistant Professor, Attending HIMA/VAH 787-744-0880
Dr. Bolivar Arboleda

General  Surgery

Assistant Professor, Attending HIMA 787-744-0880
Dr. Luis R. Soltero Harrington

General Surgery & Vascular

Professor Emeritus 787-765-1790
Dr. Rufino Montañez


Assistant Professor 787-798-4567
Dr. Norma E. Santiago-Rivera

General Surgery

Acting Chief,  Surgery, VAH 787-641-2975
Dr. Gabriel Miranda


Chief  Urology, VAH 787-641-2975
Dr. Yemina Ramos


Chief Anesthesiology, VAH 787-641-2975
Dr. Pedro Rullán


Chief Otolaryngology, VAH 787-641-2975
Dr. Victor Ríos-Lebrón


Chief Neurosurgery, VAH 787-641-2975
Dr. Carmen Henn


Chief Ophthalmology, VAH 787-641-2975


Surgery Department Staff

Mrs. Liza Reverón
Administrative Assistant


Contact Us

Surgery Department
Universidad Central del Caribe
PO Box 60327
Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00960-6032
Phone (787) 798-3001 x-2075