
Terms and Conditions

REPORTER PRIVACY UCC has created a method and procedure to receive reports of alleged misconduct or other potential violations as well as positive comments regarding the learning environment. Unless you identify yourself,Read More…



Since 2001, the University Center of Integral and Complementary Medicine of Puerto Rico (CUMIC), integrates alternative medicine in a holistic manner, offering patients a natural, safe and efficient way to restore theirRead More…


Servicios Médicos y Clínicos

Hospital Universitario Dr. Ramón Ruiz Arnau   Servicios Hospitalarios Nos esmeramos en servir a nuestra comunidad y a nuestros colegas. Por sobre 20 años, la facultad clínica de la Universidad Central del CaribeRead More…


Behavioral Community Clinical Center

CENTER OF INTEGRATED SERVICES FOR THE TREATMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS   Substance Use Disorders and Neurodegenerative Diseases   CONTIGO offers treatment services for adults and their families providing a supportive andRead More…



ERTC BLS / ACLS / PALS EducaPro Continuing Education CUMIC Pain Management  CONTIGO Mental Health