Don’t waste your time and money travelingto ourfacilities! You can purchase, study, take the examand receive your certificateonlinethe same day*. Click on Online Modules and then select yourprofession.It isimportant that you selectthe correctprofessionto receivethe correct certificate.
Printed Modules
You can purchaseprinted modules by visiting ouroffice, one of our personnel will gladly assist you.You can also call us to place an order. Your order can be send via regular mail or fax. We acceptVisaandMasterCard. Don’t wait another day, call today! 787-786-2412
Do you have an activity for Health Professionals and need Continuing Education Credits?
Herewe can helpwith the processof accreditingyour activityand provideContinuing Education Creditswithourprestigious university. Callto requestan orientation.
Our Accreditation
We are accreditedby the Board ofMedical Licensure andDiscipline ofPuerto Rico, College of Professional Social Workersand theOffice of Regulation andCertification ofHealth Professionals. We are also accredited by Accreditation Councilfor ContinuingMedicalEducation (ACCME).
Please check and follow our Twitter and Facebook page to find out when our next event will take place. You can also call 787-786-2412.