Introducing the New NIH Public Access Policy

NIH has released a new NIH Public Access Policy to make the results of NIH-funded research accessible as quickly as possible. The new Policy, which will replace the 2008 Public Access Policy upon effective date, removes the twelve-month embargo period to provide accelerated access to published manuscripts. NIH was cognizant while developing this Policy that it would not exacerbate potential inequities in publishing, and as such, work within the existing policy framework to minimize new burdens on the research community. NIH is also releasing its plan to make it easier for researchers, clinicians, students, and the public to find and make use of research results.  Provide comments by February 21, 2025.

Date Posted:12/19/2024

Implementation Details for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

The purpose of this notice is to inform the extramural research community of implementation details for the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) affecting grant and cooperative agreement applications submitted for receipt dates on or after January 25, 2023. The specific changes to competing grant and cooperative agreement application instructions clarified below will be implemented with application form packages identified with a Competition ID of “FORMS-H” and incorporated into the forthcoming FORMS-H application guides.

Although the DMS Policy will apply also to Research and Development (R&D) contracts, NIH intramural research projects, and other funding agreements (e.g., Other Transactions), the forms changes and other implementation details provided in this Notice apply only to NIH extramural grant and cooperative agreement activities. Details applicable to R&D contracts will be incorporated into the appropriate Requests for Proposals, and details applicable to Other Transactions will be incorporated into the appropriate Research Opportunity Announcement.

Date Posted: 08/05/2022

New NIH “FORMS-H” Grant Application Forms Coming for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2023

This notice informs the applicant and recipient communities of changes to grant application forms and application guide instructions for due dates on or after January 25, 2023.

For NIH, as part of the implementation of the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, a new “Other Plan(s)” attachment field has been added to the PHS 398 Research Plan Form and the PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form. Applicants must attach the required Data Management and Sharing Plan in this new field in FORMS-H applications. See NOT-OD-21-013 and NOT-OD-22-189 for more information. Note: Although the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy is not applicable to fellowship and institutional training grant applications, the new attachment field was added for potential future use with other plans.

Date Posted: 08/08/2022

FY2022 Fiscal Policies for Grant Awards: Funding Levels, Salary Limits, and Stipend Levels

NIH issued guidance for NIH Fiscal Operations for FY 2022 including the following policies:

  • FY 2022 Funding Levels: Non-competing continuation awards made in FY 2022 will generally be issued at the commitment level indicated on the Notice of Award.
  • Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA): NIH will increase NRSA stipends by approximately two percent for predocs and two percent for postdocs. The full range of stipend adjustments for FY 2022 is described in NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-22-132.
  • Salary Limits: The salary limitation for Executive Level II is $203,700.

For additional guidance and details, see NOT-OD-22-105.

Date Posted: 04/15/2022

Top 10 Problems Reviewers Cite in Applications

As you prepare your grant application, avoid these common pitfalls! Here is a list of the most frequent problems reviewers in the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) cite when they critique grant applications:

  1. Lack of new or original ideas
  2. Absence of an acceptable scientific rationale
  3. Lack of experience in the essential methodology
  4. Questionable reasoning in experimental approach
  5. Uncritical approach
  6. Diffuse, superficial, or unfocused research plan
  7. Lack of sufficient experimental detail
  8. Lack of knowledge of published relevant work
  9. Unrealistically large amount of work proposed
  10. Uncertainty concerning future directions

Find more advice on the CSR’s Answers for Applicants and the Insider’s Guide to Peer Review for Applicants pages.

Date Posted: 04/01/2022

Revised NIH Grants Policy Statement for FY2022

The revised NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS) has been published, replacing the April 2021 version as standard terms and conditions of award. This revision applies to all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods beginning on or after October 1, 2021.

Access the NIHGPS in HTML or PDF formats, and take a look at the summary of significant changes for this revision. Prior versions of the NIHGPS can be found on our NIH Grants Policy Statement page.

For more details, see the full Guide Notice.

Date Posted: 01/11/2022

Goodbye FORMS-F, Hello FORMS-G

Applicants applying to NIH funding opportunities with due dates on or after January 25, 2022 must use updated application forms and instructions identified with a Competition ID of “FORMS-G

For more infromation:

Date Posted: 9/1/2021

Request for Public Comments: Seeking Input on Nationwide AI Research Resource Implementation Plan

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and National Science Foundation are looking for your input to shape the work of the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Task Force

For more information, please visit:

Date Posted: 9/1/2021

Clarified Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications During the COVID-19 Pandemic

NIH recently issued a clarification indicating that while grant applications should not include contingency or recovery plans for problems resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, investigators may address effects due to the pandemic on productivity or other scoreable issues in the personal statement of the biosketch.

For more information, please visit:

Date Posted: 8/27/2021

Find and Access NIH Grants Data Quickly and Easily with the REPORTE API 

Our modernized RePORTER site features a new application programming interface (API) that makes it easier to find, access, and reuse the grants data you need.

For more information 

Date Posted: 8/26/2021

Extension of COVID Flexibilities for Method of Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research

NIH (together with AHRQ and HRSA) will extend the existing COVID flexibilities permitting online training in the responsible conduct of research through December 31, 2021, even if the declared public health emergency is rescinded before then. Grant recipients do not need to seek prior approval to do so.

More information:

Date Posted: 8/24/2021

NIH Changes to Biographical Sketch and Other Support Format Page

For due dates on or after May 25, 2021, NIH has implemented changes to the Biographical Sketch and Other Support Format Pages. The purpose of these changes are an effort to support collaboration between Federal research agencies.

Changes for the Biographical Sketch include renaming Section B, ‘Positions and Honors’ as  ‘Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors, for the non-Fellowship Biosketch, Section D. has been removed, for the Fellowship Biosketch, Section D has been updated to remove ‘Research Support.’, and as applicable, all applicants may include details on ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that they want to draw attention to within the personal statement, Section A.

Changes for the Other Support Format Page include the re-organization of the format page to separate funded projects from in-kind contributions, signature block added, for Program Director/Principal Investigator or Other Senior/Key Personnel to certify the accuracy of the information submitted, and each PD/PI or senior/key personnel must electronically sign their respective Other Support form as a PDF prior to submission.

For more information, please visit:

Template Other Support Due dates on/before May 24, 2021

Template Other Support Due dates on/after May 25, 2021

Date Posted: 3/12/21

Keeping on Top of NIH-Funded Research You Care the Most About Just Got Easier

Last fall, we launched our newly revamped RePORTER site which made it easy to find information about specific NIH supported grants, investigators, and institutions. Today, we are adding to RePORTER’s functionality with a modernized version of MyRePORTER so you can stay on top of the research you care the most about.

With MyRePORTER, you can save searches and set customized weekly email alerts that are sent when new projects are funded or new publications are linked to projects in your search. Email alerts will provide a summary listing of the new items, with hyperlinks to bring you back to MyRePORTER to get more information about the projects and publications.

Here is how it works (check out this short tutorial video too).

Users outside NIH will need a account to access MyRePORTER (Figure 1). The system will allow you to create a new account with if you do not have one, or to use your existing credentials, as you can now do with eRA systems. Of note, please clear your browser’s cache if you do not see the sign-in option on initial launch.

More information

Date Posted: 2/16/21

Extensions for Early Career Scientists Whose Career Trajectories Have Been Significantly Impacted by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic, along with extensive mitigation measures, has adversely affected progress in many biomedical research settings. Evidence from multiple sources, including a survey NIH issued to its supported extramural research workforce last fall, indicates legitimate concerns about career trajectory for early career scientists, including those with caretaker responsibilities. An article by Dr. Erin Gibson and her colleagues argued for a “reset” with focus on early career investigators. One point I took away from this paper is that a reset does not necessarily mean for us to go “back to normal” after the pandemic is over, because that time may have favored certain investigators and disfavored others (something I reflected on in this video and this blog). (See NOT-OD-21-052)

Date Posted: 2/8/21

New eRA Commons Screens

The new eRA Commons home screen (login-in screen) and landing screen (screen when first logged in) are going to be unveiled on January 12, 2021.

More information

(342) New eRA Commons Screens

Date Posted: 12/22/20

NIH Implementing New Login Method

A new login method is rolling out for all users of eRA Commons, ASSIST, Internet Assisted Review (IAR) and Commons Mobile in 2021. This secure two-factor authentication allows you to log into multiple systems using the same credentials while enhancing the security and integrity of access to data in eRA systems.

This requirement will be phased in first for reviewers, meeting by meeting, starting with review meetings effective February 1, 2021 and beyond. As reviewers are enabled for meetings, their IAR accounts will be transitioned to require

 Users of eRA Commons, Commons Mobile and ASSIST can switch any time to the new option; they are encouraged to begin the switchover to now, before the mandatory deadline of September 15, 2021 for all users.

 For more information on making 2FA a requirement, please see Guide Notice NOT-OD-21-040.



Date Posted: 12/15/2020

Federal Financial Report (FFR) Required to be Submitted in the Payment Management System, Effective January 1, 2021

Recipients will be required to submit the SF-425 Federal Financial Report, a statement of expenditures associated with their award, to the Payment Management Systems (PMS) instead of eRA Commons, effective January 1, 2021 (See NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-20-127)

Date Posted: 12/2/2020


NSF has been planning and taking steps to move the preparation and submission of proposals on an incremental basis from its FastLane system to the new system, with a tentative completion by 2022.   NSF will soon be requiring the use of for proposal preparation /submission, using a phased approach starting with the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) for proposals submitted under BIO’s core programs that do not have deadline dates (Note that NSF funding opportunities will clearly specify whether submission via is required).

Since the FastLane system will eventually be phased out, NSF encourages the community to take time now to become familiar with and to begin using it for proposal preparation/submission and to provide NSF with feedback.  To facilitate the transition, NSF is developing additional training materials including video tutorials, Frequently Asked Questions, step-by-step guides and a demonstration site. Current training materials are available on the About site.

For the complete notice regarding NSF’s implementation, see .For additional information, FAQs, training opportunities and to provide feedback, please visit

Date Posted: 9/28/2020


Effective October 5, 2020, the National Science Foundation (NSF) will begin enforcing the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1) requirement to use NSF-approved formats for the preparation of the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support proposal documents. The NSF-approved formats are SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae and an NSF fillable PDF.

For additional information on these format changes:

Note that SciENcv has created the following materials to guide NSF users through the preparation of the NSF documents available in SciENcv:

As a reminder, the SciENcv tool integrates with ORCID, enabling users to populate ,,the Biographical Sketch by importing data directly from ORCID records rather than having to manually enter all the required information.

Also, effective October 5, 2020, PIs and co-PIs must include an NSF-approved format for Current and Pending Support when notifying NSF that active other support has changed since the award was made, or since the most recent annual report.   Further details about the RPPR can be found on the About Project Reports website.

Date Posted: 9/15/2020