Ph.D., 2004, Michigan State University, East Lansing
ORCID #0000-0002-6933-9905
Academic Department(s)
Research Area
Basic science and translational research in cancer biology and experimental therapeutics
Current Projects
1. The role of Metadherin in inflammatory breast cancer – The goals of this project are elucidating the functional role of the pro-invasive protein Metadherin in inflammatory breast cancer progression using in vitro models.
2. Understanding ergosterol peroxide as a therapeutic in aggressive breast cancer models – the goal of the proposed research is to investigate ergosterol peroxide (EP) and its mechanism of action to selectively target cancer cells.
3. Sensitization of breast cancer and cancer stem cell to systemic therapy by Reishi – The goals of this project are to elucidate the effects of whole mushroom Reishi on inflammatory breast cancer protein synthesis regulation in cancer cells as well as the sensitizing effects on cancer stem cells.
4. Characterizing the inflammatory breast cancer patient population in Puerto Rico – the goals of the project are to document the prevalence and tumor characteristics of the patients with IBC in PR.
Availability for Students
My Bibliography – NCBI (
Contact Information
Universidad Central del Caribe
P.O. Box 60327
Bayamón, PR 00960-6032
Tel.: (787) 798-3001 x2152 (Office), x 2153 (Lab)