Medical Pharmacology is often defined as the science of substances used to prevent, diagnose and treat disease.  The practice of medicine relies immensely on the appropriate use of medications to treat diseases.  However, the seemingly unrelated fragments of information that must be remembered to safely and effectively prescribe and monitor drug therapy frequently overwhelms most physicians.  Too often, drugs that interact are co-prescribed; dosages are not reduced appropriately for patients with impairments of the critical route of drug elimination, etc.  The presentation of the necessary information in an integrated fashion building upon an understanding of how diseases alter normal physiology has the potential to provide lasting understanding and improved therapeutics.  As such, and consistent with the new institutional curriculum philosophy, this course is designed to present an integrated approach to pharmacology and to fulfill the requirements for second year medical students.
The Pharmacology Department also participates in the Basic Biomedical Sciences Program and as of 2012 five students have obtained their Masters in Science Degree.

Research Interest

Héctor M. Maldonado, Ph.D.
Cell Biology
Caveolae and Caveolin Expression

Rostislav Bychkov, Ph.D.
Stretched-elicited mechanical and Ca+ responses in blood vessels with selective damage of elastin and collagen.



Dr. Héctor M. Maldonado, PhD
Department Chairman & Professor

Rostislav Bychkov, PhD 
Assistant Professor

José L. Torres, PhD
Associate Professor



Carmen González
x. 2046

María T. González
Especialista en Investigación
x. 2052
Noel Mayol

Especialista en Investigación
x. 2052


Contact Us

Pharmacology Department
Universidad Central del Caribe
PO Box 60327
Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00960-6032
Phone (787) 798-3001 x-2046